Title: He Is Legend: An Anthology Celebrating Richard Matheson, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Savaging the Dark, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Cemetery Dance Select: Christopher Conlon, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Annabel Lee: The Story of a Woman, Written by Herself, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: The Oblivion Room: Stories of Violation, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Starkweather Dreams, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Annabel Lee, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: The Unspoken: The Lost Novel, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Saying Secrets: American Stories, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: A Matrix of Angels, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Midnight on Mourn Street: A play in two acts, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: The Oblivion Room, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: When They Came Back, Author: Christopher Conlon
Title: Midnight on Mourn Street - A Novel, Author: Christopher Conlon